You have to let it go, if you want to live happier life

You have to let it go, if you want to live happier life 

let go

Every one of us are carrying the heavy burden of the things which are making us feel bad. We are too much habitual of carrying burden of past or future for longer duration of time .When this burden piles up it will convert into deep emotional trauma which may hamper our life badly.

These things are building up and will get it heavy if we don’t allow it to let go at right time .We each carry our own heavy things like worry, fear, pain, and bad habits. They are badly impacting on our work , relationships , family life , progress in life .

It’s high time now we have let it go . If you want to live happier and relaxed life then you have let it go the things which are troubling you since long back . We feel too much insecure as we have got habit of these things but you really need to be aware of causes of suffering and pain in life .

     1)When you let go of your ego, your mind will be less cluttered

We are too much dominated by our egos. Day in and day out we are flattering our mind with ego. Our ego is the main reason of our expectations or identifications with everything in this world . Ego want us to lead life with more expectations from others and feel always right in all the situations.

We have so much conditioned by our mind and ego that we always label the things as per our thoughts. When things in life goes wrong our ego resist the situation and we start building resistance . Our egoistic mind is the real culprit for our suffering and holding things back in mind .

     2When you let go of what you are really not, your burden to imitate others reduces

We always try to imitate others to match with their lifestyle . We try our best to copy others for their personality but at the end we can’t get desired results . Not able to match with the standard of others will make you feel undermined or undervalued in life .

Once you let go of what you are really not then you will live life with the truth . The way you are born is really beautiful you need not to compare with others for lifestyle .You are so beautiful and adorable the way you are born .

     3When you let go of fear of unknown, your suffering in life will be released

We always live our life with the fear of unknown . We feel insecure about our job , future, relationships or life itself .Unnecessarily we live in fear all the time . Only thoughts which are creation of your mind are troubling you and making you feel uncomfortable .

Let go fear of unknown from life by believing that everything is going to all right . Things are going to fall at right place .You need not to spoil your present by the fear of unknown future.You are creating this negative thoughts and your mind is expert in this domain .

     4When you let go of Memories of past, your pain will be released

We can’t create something new out of our thinking based on memories in mind . Our memories are making our life more complicated by rewinding it’s episode periodically . Memories are only helpful to learn from past mistakes and not to repeat the same mistake again .

We should let go of our all past memories which are making you uncomfortable. If you choose your memories wisely then you can retrieve only those memories which are helpful for you in this moments. Bygone is bygone .Simply remembering past memories will make you feel more uncomfortable and emotional. Let go of person and memories related to them .Move on & keep advancing in life .

      5When you let go of imagination of future, your worries will be minimized

We are unnecessarily imagining our future events outcomes . Our mind always take you to the future with imagination power but it always make you feel fearful of future outcomes . We never hope best for future instead our mind always doubts and creates scenarios of worst things which can happen in future.

Letting go of imagination of future will make you feel more confident at present . Fear created due to false imagination will only make you more worried .Worry is nothing but the negative thoughts of future . Why can’t our mind think or focus on positive outlook of future?

      6When you let go of guilt’s or regrets of past, your heart feels lighter

We all are carrying heavy burden of our past mistakes ,regrets or guilt’s .Things which are already done you can’t simply undo it by thinking over it . We curse our self for the  mistakes and carries all the guilt for lifetime .

Letting go of guilt's or regrets of past will give way for the new positive things to acquires in life . Simply carrying burden will not any how going to change what had happened in past.Instead you show let it go so that you will feel much more relaxed and free from suffering or pains .

      7When you let go of unhealthy relationships, you will feel free and relaxed

We are too much engrossed in relationships even though they are hurting us uncontrollably.We don’t want to move out because we feel insecure about of relationships in future .But bad relationships are going to only hurt you all the way around .

Let go such unhealthy relationship will release from hurt or burden of relations .Initially it will be difficult to move out but eventually you will feel more better . Simply remember that moving away will make your life more happy and freed .  

     8When you let go of comparisons with others, your life will be contended

We always compare ourselves with the achievement of others . We start feeling agony or angry for not been able to achieve the success which our nearby person have achieved in life .Comparison will only make you more jealous and envoy.

Let go comparison with others because everyone has their own efforts and timeline to achieve success in life . Some one may achieve it early age or others at later stage of life.Each human being is unique and has unique talent that we should use to achieve success in our life . Don’t simply compare success in terms of money or prestige there are so many others means for comparing success .


      Final Thoughts

        If you really want to lead happier and better life then you have to let it go

When letting it go you will feel initially it difficult but eventually you will learn it to let go .You can start it by letting go one thing at a time . Once you learn this skill your life will be less stressed or tensed .

Carrying same burden for longer time will steal your present moments . You will spoil your present due to emotional state of suffering and pains . Your present decisions will hamper drastically due to this bad emotions .

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